Climate change has the potential to undermine development efforts of countries and finance is critical for achievement of the post Kyoto global deal. The Cancun Agreement enshrined the Copenhagen Accord commitment to a new Green Climate Fund with an interim Fast Start Funding (FSF) package. Financing of a sustainable climate deal is still a vision, not a reality, although pieces of the future package are now in place. The emerging structure is being framed from the global level – knowledge about what is happening at country level can help inform its future development. It will be at the country level that efforts of development partners will be scrutinised under Monitoring, Reporting and Verification requirements.
As a key player, the European Union (EU) has stepped up and climate change has become an increasingly important component of its development cooperation effort. It has contributed most of the committed Fast Start Funds The Bangladesh case study has thrown light on how this effort is currently working, what the constraints are, and potential factors which will affect outcomes in 2020. Read the full policy brief