EDC 2020 Workshop: How can national delivery of climate finance be secured effectively?
31 March 2011, London, UK
Financing of the post Kyoto climate deal is still a vision, not a reality, although pieces of the structure of a future package are now in place. The Cancun Agreement enshrined the Copenhagen Accord commitment to a new Green Climate Fund with an interim Fast Start Funding package. The emerging structure is being framed at the global level – information about what is happening at country level has been lacking but can inform its future development. It will be at the country level that efforts of development partners will be scrutinised under Monitoring, Reporting and Verification requirements.
The event will provide the launch of the detailed results of the EDC 2020 project, funded by the European Commission. Two case studies on climate finance and development cooperation in Indonesia and Bangladesh have just been completed that examine the existing and future evolution of climate finance at the national level. The workshop provides the opportunity to consider these in a wider context.
This workshop will focus on the national level delivery of climate finance, and explore;
- What types of institutional structures are emerging to handle climate finance at national level?
- How is the interface between development cooperation and climate change unfolding?
- What are the main challenges for effective delivery from donor and host country perspectives?
Chair: Tom Mitchell
Presentation of EDC 2020 project : Imme Scholtz, Jessica Brown and Merylyn Hedger
Invited commentators:
Khurshid Alam. ThinkAhead Ltd, Dhaka
Etienne Coyette (EC DG EuropeAid Development and Cooperation)
Nigel Thornton (Agulhas)
31 March 2011: Workshop on Climate Change: How can national delivery of climate finance be secured effectively? London, UK
9-10 February 2011: Briefing To Parliamentarians on coherence between energy security and development and EDC 2020 Final Event on Shaping Europe's Global Role, Brussels, Belgium